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DIY Rub On

by Megha Agarwala

Making a Rub On

Making a Rub On


The DIY rub on is a great idea! Can we make this on a laser printer? Or it has to be an ink jet printer only?

Megha Agarwala


Hello Megha Agarwala

Thank you for your question. I have not tried making rub-ons with a laser printer before so can only guess about how it may work!

Laser printers use less ink than ink jet printers do, so I would experiment. Try using the rub on when it is freshly printer and don't let it dry. The image may not smudge as much as an ink jet one does, or may be difficult to coax off the slick side of the acrylic sheet or page protector you print onto.

You may find heating the image with a heat tool may help get the image to come off more easily too.

I hope this helps! Let me know how it turns out!

Happy crafting


PS: For ink jet printers: I have had some people tell me that their ink-jet printer produces smudgy images when they use 'best' quality to make their rub-ons. If your printer does this, change the print settings to 'draft' quality and see how that turns out. Many printers make too thick a covering of ink for the rub-on process.

Also, see these updated tips:

Make Your Own Rubons
What Is A Rub On?
Ways to Use Rub Ons

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