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Folding Box tutorial

by Dr Sonia S V

Folding Box Tutorial

Folding Box Tutorial

This Folding Box can be made by recycling boxes and cardboard.

I am sharing a tutorial to make your own.

Here is the link to the tutorial on my blog:

Dr Sonia S V


Wow, Dr Sonia, that folding box is incredible! I do love all the quilling you have created for the top of the box as well. It is very pretty and so rich looking. Beautiful!

The box looks very complicated yet folds down to a 'normal' looking box. That is so clever. Imagine someone receiving this as a special gift and the boxes were all full of candy or little surprises. I can also imagine having one of these on a desk at home to take care of all the little things we never seem to find a place for. Maybe it could be a lovely jewelry box as well.

Thank you so much for taking the time to post and for providing a picture of your project also. That makes things so much clearer and gives people more ideas about making their own.

If any readers make a box like Dr Sonia's, please do come back and share your creation with me.

Happy crafting


PS: You may also enjoy making an Explosion Box and decorating it with Handmade Paper Flowers.

PPS: Remember you can recycle many other items for papercrafting projects too.

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Jan 18, 2012
You are very welcome
by: Susan

You are very welcome for the post, Dr Sonia. I appreciate you taking the time to send me a picture of your gorgeous box and the instructions for making it.

Enjoy your day.


Jan 18, 2012
Thank You
by: Dr Sonia

Dear Susan
Thank You for posting my folding box-- sure is an honor!

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