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Teachers birthday

by Ronell
(Parow, South Africa)

Star Teacher

Star Teacher

My son is in Grade R. He is in the year before starting school and he adores his teacher. For him, she is a star and that is why I put him with the teacher in the star.



What a lovely way to recognise a special Teacher on her birthday. I am sure your son's Teacher will treasure her beautiful card, Ronell, and your son will love giving her such a card.

I like how you made the background with little stars too. It makes the special star really stand out.

I also see you used some photo strips for making part of the star, That is clever. It almost looks like a reflection of the central photo is happening.

Thank you again fro sharing your beautiful iris folding technique and for sharing a lovely idea for making a special Teacher feel appreciated on her birthday.

Happy crafting


PS: Here are some more birthday card ideas for readers to try:

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