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Card Box Set

by Leanne
(Sydney, Australia)

Cards in a gift box

Cards in a gift box

This is a gift box set that I made for all the pre-school teachers.



Oh, Leanne, you would have made all the Teachers feel so special to receive such a gift! That's a wonderful idea. I see you made the cards inside the gift box match the decorations on the box. It looks like such a well-thought out, useful and pretty gift! Imagine being able to just take one of these out when you wanted to send a note to someone....all the create work is done for you and you have something unique and special to send in a trice.

Thank you so much for sharing. I hope to see more of your work soon. You could be inspiring others to make similar lovely gifts.

I hope anyone who makes a set of handmade greeting cards and a matching box like Leanne has done will share their project with me here too.


PS: It's actually quite fun and not too hard to make special purpose boxes for gifts of all sizes and types. If you would like to make a customised gift box of your own for someone special, or for a special occasion that you want to celebrate, or to fit a certain item perfectly, there are some instruction pages here on to help you out:

If you explore the 3-d Papercrafts section on the navigation bar to the left you will find even more ideas.


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