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Cards for Troops

by Janice Edwards
(Coolangatta Gold Coast, Qld Australia)

Cards for Troops Drive 2018

Cards for Troops Drive 2018

I make cards and have some that I would like to send to you for the troops is that ok.



Hi Janice

Yes, that would be lovely of you. We are now collecting for the 2018 Cards for Troops Drive.

You can send your handmade cards for the troops to:

Cards for Troops Drive 2018
C/-Shelia McGee
PO Box 1207
Morayfield, Qld 4506

Thank you so much for helping us create for this year's Drive. We really appreciate everyone's efforts making cards for our soldiers. We know that when they are deployed, our military personelle do like to be able to send handmade cards home to their loved ones.

If you would like to read more about the Drive or tell more crafty friends about it, go to

I'd love to hear about it if you and some friends get together to make Cards for the Troops.

Thank you again, Janice!

Happy New Year too 🎉


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