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PaperCraftCentral News

Discover the latest projects, tips and news available at on this page.

I am often reviewing pages and updating them and will re-post things here when I do that as well. It might help you to always see what is freshest at PaperCraftCentral that way. I hope so, anyway!

Have fun browsing through the newness!

Here's the Latest Papercraft News and Updates:

Bon Voyage Cards


Bon Voyage Cards can be made to fit the occasion. Here are some to inspire you.

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Second Week of 2010


It's the second week of 2010 Creative Challenge! Try a new card sketch this tme.

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Artificial Topiary Tree


Have you considered making an artificial topiary tree? With paper scraps and pearl-headed pins, you will be well on your way to a lovely 3-d paper craft project!

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Scrapbook Punches


Scrapbook punches can help you create some amazing effects.

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Altered Art


Have you ever wondered what Altered Art is all about? It's a fascinating world where you have a chance to create an original piece!

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Adhesive Removal


Adhesive removal can be a lifesaver for papercraft projects and maybe even for your photos

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Wrapping Paper


Are you out of wrapping paper? If you have some plain brown paper and stamps, why not make your own? Here's how I made some!

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White Space Design


Making a White Space Design for your scrapbook page can result in a very balanced and focused effect.

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What is a Rub On


What is a rub on? Find out how to use them to custom decorate your papercraft projects.

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Watercolor Cards


Whenever I watercolor cards I really like the effect. Here's how I used this technique to make a Christmas card.

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Tearing Paper


By tearing paper on your handmade greeting cards you can add another dimension to your papercraft techniques toolkit.

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Using-Sketches-For-Cardmaking is a great for getting your mojo back on track, aren't they? See if this one inspires you!

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Stamps Craft 2


In Stamps Craft 2, I show you a card I made after being inspired by another stamper's card

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Stamps Craft 1


Stamps Craft 1 is the first of a series of card making techniques. First of all, let's see how to stamp with bleach!

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St Patricks Day Origami


St Patricks Day Origami has to include knowing how to make Shamrocks. FInd out how to do that on this page.

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