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Papercraft Articles

Written and Created by PaperCraftCentral Susan

Susan writes papercraft articles that may interest you and they will be added here as they become available elsewhere on the web.

Did you know there are heaps of papercraft articles written about things you may be interested in every week?

"Definition of Article:
a written composition in a magazine or newspaper "

papercraft articles, scrapbooking, card making, rubber stamping

List of Papercraft Articles

You can find Susan's writings here without having to search article directories to do so.

List of Publications:

  • An Almost Pictureless Scrapbook Do you have a special need to make a scrapbook for someone, but for one reason or another you do not have many pictures? Or you may want to make a special album anyway without having to add in lots of pictures. I have some ideas that may help you make an almost pictureless scrapbook.
  • Making Scrapbooks with Secrets! Did you know you can make scrapbook albums from your paper lunch bags? You can! They are perfect for making scrapbooks with secrets.
  • Scrapbooks - Two Ways to Make Your Own Scrapbooks From Scratch Scrapbook albums can be so expensive to buy. Sometimes you cannot find a ready made one that suits your purpose either. How would you like to know how to custom make a scrapbook yourself?
  • Adhesives - Seven Ways to Make PaperCraft Projects Without Using Glue and Tape Adhesives are such a common tool to use when paper crafting that we often forget we can sometimes get by without them. Have you made a paper craft project without glue yet? This papercraft article tells you seven ways to do it!
  • Candy Bar Cards - how to make them Are you looking for a new way to make a greeting card for friends or family? Candy bar cards may be the answer!
  • Zettiology - What Kind of Art is That? When someone says they have been crafting in Zetti style, what do you think of? Have you ever heard of this type of art? If you heard of it, have you been able to find a definition of Zettiology?
  • Alcohol Inks and Four Ways to Use Them Alcohol inks can colour most non porous surfaces with ease. You can use them to change the colour of metals, foils, acetate, glossy cardstock, plastics and more! Once you have these inks, you may find surfaces to alter you had not considered altering before. Click on the link to read this new papercraft article.
  • How to Make 3-d Paper Art Have you seen 3d paper art effects on scrapbook pages and wondered how they were achieved? Sometimes it takes very little to add a lot to a page or a card. It can look as though you have spent hours making a special item when in reality, it may only have taken some well placed presses or a little knowledge of how to go about shaping your hand made or store bought embellishments. See what I mean in this papercraft article.
  • Hosting a Scrapbook Crop - Three Inspiring Ideas For You Are you holding your first Scrapbook crop and are looking for some inspiring ideas for your friends? Or have you been running crops for awhile and believe you have run out of ideas? Maybe these three approaches will help bring your Hostess mojo back.
  • How to Make Reflection Cards There is nothing quite like impressing your friends or family with a greeting card that looks spectacular. One way I know to get that 'wow' factor is to make a reflection card. You can use your stamp sets to double effect!
  • I noticed there are not too many things written about How to Use a Brayer so I wrote this one. A brayer is a useful tool for achieving many special effects for your cards and scrapbook pages without necessarily adding layers of cardstock. Here are a few ideas for you to try. Give your brayer a workout!

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PS: This is where you can find some more of Susan's writings

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