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By becoming a subscriber of my monthly newsletter I know you will immediately receive a special benefit (more about that later) and of course there will be news about things like this:

  • New ideas in the papercraft world
  • Reviews of new products and tools. What works…. and what doesn't
  • How to save money on paper crafting supplies
  • What's new at
  • Specials and promotions form Stampin' Up!

I will occasionally be conducting polls now and then to search your opinions about papercraft topics and what direction you would like to take. Your opinions definitely matter to me.

How much information will you receive and how often? I will send you little bursts of crafting news monthly, unless there is a great piece of news I just have to tell you!

How to Subscribe

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Another Important Note: When I email you I will always put the words [PaperCraftCentral] in the subject line so you will know your message is coming from me and not from someone trying to spam you. I want to do all I can to make sure you get your news as smoothly as possible and never miss out.

Remember I said I would tell you more later about a certain special benefit?

Here's a final reason for you to get your copy of Paper Twists:

I think you'll like this

As a Stampin' Up! demonstrator, I get to find out about the latest news and specials very early! I can let you know what is happening so you get a chance to take advantage of specials and new crafty supplies as soon as they are available.

I look forward to sending you a confirmation email today.

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