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Do you sometimes search for something here but can't remember where it was? Good news!

You can systematically look through this site for whatever you are looking for using the customised Google tool below.

How To Search

How to Use Search

The Google tool shown above was especially programmed for you to look through It will open up results right here on this page for you.

Just enter a term in the box, click on the go button, then scroll down past the first bit of the page that looks like our home page to see your results and click through to your desired page:

Suggestions For Using This Tool

Treat it like a mini Google browser made just for

You can hunt for a project, such as 'explosion box', or type in a phrase such as 'rubber stamping' and see what you come up with. Or ask a question by typing it in the box. That will also give you results.

Why did I add this feature for you? I realised that what makes sense to me about the layout and organisation of pages here at may not always make sense to everyone else. I hope that this special, customised tool will help us overcome our different ways of thinking and let everyone find what they want to find quickly and easily.

Do let me know if you have any problems with this tool or the site layout itself and I will see if I can help. Questions and Suggestions for improving are always welcome and are always considered.

The main thing I want to have happen is to help you find what you are looking for on the site quickly and easily so you have even more time for the important things. Of course I mean you will have more time for stamping and scrapping. Lol!)

Do You Have A PaperCraft Question?

Do you have a question about paper crafting techniques, tools or materials?

Do you live in Australia and would like to order some Stampin' Up! items? You are at the right place.

You can ask me your questions or place an order here.

NOTE: If you are ordering, please do include your address for delivery and an email address where I can write to you to let you know how to pay for your order. Confirmation of payment is required before I can place your order.

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What Other Visitors Have Said

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3 D Pumpkin  
I saw the 3 D pumpkin on Youtube but I cannot find in on your website. Am I not looking in the right place? Thank you. Annette McEntire **** …

Cards for Troops  Not rated yet
I make cards and have some that I would like to send to you for the troops is that ok. Janice ** Hi Janice Yes, that would …

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