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Fathers Day Greeting 2

Written and Created by PaperCraftCentral Susan

Fathers Day Card

This Fathers Day Greeting 2 Card is just right for making a Dad feel kingly!

“When my father didn’t have my hand… he had my back.” —Linda Poindexter

A handmade card may be just the touch you need to put the icing on the cake for your father's special day.

How to make the Fathers Day Greeting 2 card

This Fathers Day Greeting 2 card is made using the same template mentioned in Paper Twists issue 4, some years ago. It follows the same basic format except the whole card is smaller so the stamped sentiment looks larger, and I made an embossed gold crown to use as an embellishment.

Don't have these exact supplies? It doesn't matter. You can search your stash for what you already have and CASE (Copy And Share Everything) my layout for sure! And if you need to fill in a gap for making male cards, you might like to search my online store for inspiration and to see what is current. You can even buy from the store if you live in Australia, or you can search out a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator in your own country to  purchase.

Here's how I made my card.

First I made my card base. Find some cardstock that you like in the colour that you like and cut an A4 sheet in half. Score the half in the middle to make a tent fold card base.

Then I distressed my background cardstock with Crumb Cake ink by dragging the ink pad across the surface. You can use any colour that coordinates with your card base to do this.

Then I drew the crown using a Versamark Ink Pen and heat embossed my crown image in gold embossing powder. Use a crown stamp if you have one instead and stamp it in Versamark ink.

Then I took my paper snips and carefully cut the crown out close to the embossed image line.You can di this step with your own stamped. embossed image.

I distressed my designer series paper a little with a sponge dauber and some Crumb Cake ink before adhering it to my card front. Then I popped my completed crown up with some Stampin' Dimensionals so it would cast a small shadow and create a focal point.

The crown is blinged up with Rhinestone Basic Jewels. I was really tickled to be able to find an excuse to use bling on a masculine card, since every crown has jewels!

There must be other times you can add bling to masculine cards. We shall have to explore them. I think a glossed image like a fish would require a little bling along its side, perhaps. Now I am imagining a funny face with a gold tooth which could have a crystal set in it. Oh, stop me! Lol!

If you have trouble drawing a crown, do use a stamped image, or trace around a crown shape in a colouring book, or cut one from a magazine and place it on cardstock or on some cardboard cut from a cereal packet, (full points for using a recyclable product or two!) and decorate it how you would like. There are some cute chipboard shapes that may be suitable as well in the craft shops. You could paint or spray the chipboard with a glittery or metallic paint and still add your bling. Of course, you can also emboss chipboard.

I heat embossed my stamped sentiment in gold as well. The black line you can see behind the sentiment layers is the flap for this card. The sentiment layer acts as the anchor for the flap.

I filled the envelope inside this Fathers Day 2 card with handmade tickets that I made out as vouchers. One said I would cook a favourite treat for my Dad, and another one said I would vacuum his car, and so on. You will know what your Dad would like to see in the card you give him. 

Maybe add a gift card as well to allow him to buy something from his favourite fishing and camping or hardware store, whatever his hobby is.

I think this card can wind up being as unique as the crafter who makes it and the Dad s/he gives it to!

Remember to make for other Dads in your life as well, such as Grandfathers and Setp-Fathers and men who are like a Dad to you or your own children.

Making masculine cards can seem hard, but often the words you put in them make up for any perceived lack of skill.

Here are some more masculine card ideas for you to check out:

Just for fun, to finish off for this page, here's another simple card layout that could be made for men. It has a sea theme, hessian ribbon and not much bling at all. And it is all about that one person!

Fathers Day Cards

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