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Oct 28, 2019
Cards for Troops 2020
by: PaperCraftCentral Susan

Hi there Sherri

Thank you for contacting me about next year's Drive. I will commence the 2020 Drive in about April next year and it will run to the beginning of October 2020.

At the moment we are still processing the cards that were generously donated by people for the 2019 Drive. We really need the month of October to finish that process! There are more cards for sending this year than there were last year, and they added up to 38kgs of cards!!

I'll let you know the total we are able to send for 2019.

Keep an eye on the Cards for Troops page to see the details for next year's Drive, and thank you so much for being willing to contribute to our cause for 2020 :)

PaperCraftCental Susan

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