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Dec 13, 2019
The Cards for Troops are Donated
by: Susan

Hi Lyn

That's a question I have never had before. I wonder if others are thinking along these lines?

Just to set the record straight, no, the cards do not have to be paid for by the Troops.

The Cards for Troops drive is a charitable effort. The cards we all make are made with love for the troops as gifts. It is to help them know they are thought of by the people they serve their country for,

All people involved in the Drive donate their time, effort and supplies to give the troops a gift of cards so they can write home to their loved ones. The cards are bundled together by a friend and I and sent in care packages, free of charge to them.

No money ever changes hands during the Drive. I do have extra outgoing expenses because I buy the boxes, bags, tape, etc and spend days getting the packages ready to be sent according to the Military's request, but no money ever comes back.

I hope this answers your question.


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