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Written and Created by PaperCraftCentral Susan
Have you considered eLearning or learning online as a way to produce your own online business but aren't sure where to start?
Perhaps you been out of the classroom for a long time, busy working and raising a family?
Have you noticed that lots of people do business online these days, but you feel you don't know enough about it yet to start a business yourself?
Have you tried to learn about creating an online business by reading about it on the 'Net, or by buying books and studying them on your own? And this hasn't really worked out for you?
Would you like to learn in a more personal, human environment, from the comfort of your own home?
I know it is hard to learn when you feel as though there is no one interested in your progress, there are no fellow students to complete the learning journey with and no real person to give you feedback and keep you on track.
If you would like to learn online where all these human touches are possible, why not try learning with Site Build It (SBI)?
When you take the course, you get to know your Teacher and fellow students (only 25 people are enrolled in a class), have plenty of help and support, and depending on your Brains and Motivation (BAM!) you can wind up with a web business that works.
Still have Questions? Want to read more about SBI? Be sure to find out more by following this link.
One of the main reasons I purchased SBI and started creating was that I was able to watch and question SBIer Angie before I took any action whatsoever. Angie gradually introduced me to the back room of SBI by sharing what was happening on her site with me. I felt privileged to see that and marveled at her success. And she had a lot of success (and still does).
In the days before you could study about business online, I took months to decide to purchase SBI and it was all due to neighbour Angie's patient 'drip-feed' of information. She was not pushy and conversely, she was not cagey. I felt able to ask questions, rejoice with her as she succeeded and we continue our contact to this day, even though we now live 1165kms (723 miles) away from each other.
The SBI forums are now a wonderful friendly and inspiring place for me to find ideas and solutions and test new approaches knowing I will get genuine, supportive feedback.
The SBI course makes focused, personal support a true reality.
If this idea appeals to you, why not take some time to investigate SBI, where you can keep your learning personal and work with a friendly, non pushy communicator to create your own web business?
When I first thought about building a web business, I was working full-time and had three children at home. My husband needed TLC too. How was I going to fit study in to my busy life? The beauty of studying with SBI is that I could study when I had the time, at the time of day I wanted, for as long or as little as I wanted. I could interrupt my study at will, knowing it would be there to pick up again whenever I had time to work on it throughout the days and weeks. A little work often adds up to a whole lot of collected work over time. That's how PaperCraftCentral grows, a page at a time.
That was one of my questions too. I was a little concerned that I might not be able to unravel the concepts and apply them in a way that would work for me.
You can start finding out more on the next page.
If I can personally help you with questions about how the process works, please do feel free to contact me by using the form below:
Solo Build It eLearning - a personal, exciting and effective way to discover how to build and sustain your own successful web business, step-by-step.
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