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Garden Party Idea

by Maria
(Califronia, USA)

Neiman Marcus Butterflies

Neiman Marcus Butterflies

I love your site. The project are beautiful. I was looking at the butterfly project and it gave me an idea for a garden party. Here in San Diego the Neiman Marcus store has hundreds of butterflies hanging from the ceiling above the escalators. I love to ride the escalators just to have the feeling of being in a butterfly swarm.

Maybe a similar idea could be used for an outdoor party, where these paper butterflies can be hung from trees, glued to dowels and stuck in the ground, make a canopy of some sort, whether from fabric or wood slats, and attach the paper butterflies with fishing line, etc. It would be lovely for showers, or graduation parties (where the graduate is becoming a butterfly!), or a tea party. Wow, it makes me want to have such a party!

Congratulations on such a great site.



Maria, thank you so much for taking the time to give us a lovely idea for using the Paper Butterflies as a Garden Party (and other types of parties) decoration! I love the idea of paper butterflies wafting in the breeze and adding atmosphere wherever they are placed. If you used glittery paper to make the butterflies, they would pick up on light as well.

If you do decide to make butterflies to decorate your next party, I would love to see a picture :)

Thanks once again!

PS: You can make your own paper butterflies by following these instructions.

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