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Oct 23, 2012
by: Aayush kumar


Oct 28, 2010
Thanks, Jill :)
by: Susan

Thanks for your nice comment about my notebook, Jill. Here's how I got the holes in the paper, though I suspect showing you on video would probably be better than the written instructions:

1. I chose a notebook with a spiral binding that allowed me to take the book apart, and took it apart :)

2. I covered the front side of the cover completely with paper and allowed enough paper to overhang the edges so I could later fold them and tape them down inside the cover.

3. I used a paper piercer to find the holes and pierced through them, then used the end of the bone folder to push the paper through the hole and make it the right shape

4. Then I folded the flaps over and adhered them inside the cover, and I worked from the inside of the cover to pierce the paper through the holes again and form the shape with the tip of my bone folder

It also helped to place double sided tape over the holes themselves BEFORE I adhered the paper to the cover, so that when I pierced and shaped the spine holes, the paper had some adhesive to help it stick to the inside of the holes.

Then I took a slim file and neatened up any rough edges of paper in each of the holes.

This took a little time but not that long :) and the result was worth it for me.

I hope that helps!


Oct 28, 2010
spiral note books
by: Gill

Love the idea but how do you punch the holes in the paper for the spiral notebook? Gill

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