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Mrs Rosie Ixer

by Rosie
(West Midlands, UK)

Origami Shamrock idea

Origami Shamrock idea

Hi there

I am a 75 yr old crafter living in the UK. I keep finding a picture of a delightful little 3D Origami chipmunk which it says comes from your site.

Unfortunately, a lot of links purporting to come from your site open at totally unrelated advertising sites.

I finally found the picture on your site but would like to know if there is a tutorial available for it as I really would like to make one.

Thank you for your help.

Warmest Wishes,

Rosie Ixer

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Aug 22, 2020
You're welcome!
by: PaperCraftCentral Susan

Hi Rosie

You are most welcome! I still hope you will find your chipmunk. Funny about them not being in the UK either!

Thank you for getting back to me so I know you received my message, too. That was very kind of you.

All the best in your search!


Aug 21, 2020
Thank you!
by: Rosie

Thanks so much for your reply. I must have made a mistake with the url. I'll track him down eventually lol!
We don't have chipmunks in the UK either but this little guy was so cute I couldn't resist wanting to make him!
Warmest Wishes Rosie

Aug 21, 2020
My Origami Projects
by: PaperCraftCentral Susan

Hi Rosie

Thank you for writing to me about the origami chipmunk.

Unfortunately, I have never made an origami chipmunk and don't have one on my site. I have an origami fox tutorial, and an origami shamrock, an origami butterfly, some origami rosebuds and a few others, but no chipmunks I'm afraid.

The sum total of my Origami projects are all listed on this Origami index page.

Perhaps you saw the chipmunk project on a similar site? I know people started up sites using the papercraftcentral name but with a different web address ending to mine (mine ends in .com) I know some of those pages take you to product ads as I was curious and checked a couple of projects out.

I promise, none of my links will take you to product ads instead of to a promised destination.

I'm so sorry I cannot help you with a chipmunk origami project right now. Perhaps I can keep the idea in mind for a future project, though I love in Australia and we don't actually have chipmunks in our bush. Lol!

I hope you find the site with the chipmunk project on it.

In the meantime, maybe you will enjoy trying out the origami ideas I have available on my site. I do hope so!

Stay safe and well, and happy crafting


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