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Project on Saints

by Raveena

Can you tell me how can I make my project on Saints attractive using paper?



Hi Raveena

Thank you for your question. I will have to fill in some blanks here. If I get it wrong, please do comment back on this question and I will see what else you add. It would help to know more about the type of project you are wanting to make. How big does it have to be? Does it need to be three dimensional or would it be alright to make an album for your project?

I am assuming you want to make a project using pictures of Saints?

If you want to make a three dimensional display, try making a tri-fold for instance. Use pictures of the Saints and write some information about each one near their pictures. Have some loose pictures to lay in front of the tri-fold or make a scrapbook of them to lay in front of it.

If you need to make more of an album for your project, why not try making a paper bag album? You can have pictures on the pages and the information about the pictures can be stored in the pockets for the reader to take out and consider.

To make your project more interesting, see if you can work some of the cardmaking techniques on into your display. For example, use the heat embossing technique to highlight your headings or make borders around your work.

I hope these ideas help you make a choice about the best way to tackle your project.

Maybe some PaperCraftCentral readers will also have suggestions and will comment on this question too.

Happy crafting


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Nov 15, 2011
by: Lisa

Why there is not a list of saint in any home page

Nov 14, 2011
by: Mckenda

Why there is not a list of saints in any page?


Sorry McKendra. I don't list saints on the site. I do have instructions for making all sorts of paper craft items though and you can adapt them to your purpose.


Oct 26, 2011
Some more techniques
by: Meenakshi

Good suggestions, Susan.

Raveena, you could also try
1. the Iris Fold in different shapes, with the saint's picture in the center : -- Iris Folding instructions & free templates. If you search, you can find other shapes too.

2. Handprints : Make your handprints - open palm, fingers together - on paper and glue the saint's picture in the palm. This would seem like the saint is giving blessings. It has a holy connotation.

3. Rolled Paper Frames : Around each picture, Or around the entire project sheet, you can add a rolled paper frame of your choice.

4. Rosary/Rudraksha Beads : Make paper cuttings in the shape of rudraksha or rosary beads & glue around in the form of a chain. Add a picture of saint within each bead.

5. Use a brocade or saffron or white background [depending on which saints you choose]. You can also have church/temples/worshiping places as the background. Or as part of a Collage.

Hope some of these inspire too :-)

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