, pub-5059501654592326, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


by Linda Haggard

Packing some of the cards for the troops

Packing some of the cards for the troops

I would love to contribute to the cards for soldiers drive.

On the site you ask us to use jumbo zip lock bags. Is that the 27x33 cm bags? That’s the biggest I can find where I live in South Australia.

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May 19, 2020
Hi Linda!
by: PaperCraftCentral Susan

Thank you for contacting me and for being willing to make Cards for Troops in 2020! It will be great to have you on board. You might just be the first person to offer help from South Australia this year.

Thank you also for asking about the Ziplock bags. The ones you mentioned sound exactly right. I added a photo to your post showing a box of the Hercules type we use ourselves, and they seem to be the same size as the ones you mentioned.

I'll keep an eye out for your cards and let you know when I receive them.

Thank you again, and happy crafting!

PaperCraftCentral Susan

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