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Questions re rubons.

Hi Susan,

Your page is REALLY helpful! So glad I found it!

So, just a couple of questions about making my own rub-ons.

Are these rub-ons permanent?

Can they be transferred to wood?

I want to create some rub-on words to be transferred to a piece of wood art, but it needs to be permanent.

It looks like I can use the same piece of acetate again and again. Is this true?

Thanks for any intel you can give me!

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Mar 18, 2016
Questions about Rub-ons
by: PaperCraftCentral Susan

Hi there,

I am so glad my page was helpful for you. Thank you for taking the time to write me some questions! I'll do my best to answer them.

Yes, these rub-ons are permanent on paper. However, with persistence you can scratch them off, just as you could with a store-bought rub-on. If you are concerned about scratching, you can help seal the rub-on to your paper with a spray adhesive from the hardware or craft store.

Yes, rub-ons like this can be transferred to wood. If you are concerned about them being scratched, you can seal them with a polyurethane coating. I would probably use the spray on sealant first to ensure the ink-jet printer ink did not smear if it is reactivated with the polyurethane being applied with a brush.

Yes, you can re-use your acetate sheet. I recommend wiping it completely clean of ink with an alcohol free baby wipe in between projects. Be sure it is completely dry before using it again.

Of course, you may dent your acetate with rubbing on it over time. Just print on parts of it that are not warped or rippled. One crafter I know if said she only applies homemade rub-ons by using a vertical rubbing motion, not a horizontal one. This may also help keep your acetate sheet from scarring over time.

Now, as you have asked about transferring images to wood and not to paper, I found you a Youtube video that explains a different method you could try. See what you think.

There is always more than one way of doing something in the craft world, isn't there? Maybe if you have some scrap wood, you could try both methods and decide which result you like best?

When you have made your completed project, I would love to see it. Come back and post a picture of it for me and tell me which method worked best. Other readers will also like to know about this, I am sure.

Happy crafting!


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