, pub-5059501654592326, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
(FT. Worth, Tx USA)
ATC for Christmas 2017, Field Glasses And Telescope At The Ready!
Hi Colleen
Thank you for sending in this marvelous ATC!
Now I want to know more about Rudolph Recon. Was or is he an explorer? Is he a soldier? I tried Googling him but didn't find anything. Perhaps he is someone you know?
Anyway, I do like your artwork. I can't help but think this piece would make a great Card for the Troops also. Sometimes I turn my ATCs into handmade greeting cards 😊
I moved your submission to the ATC page so more people looking for ATCs will find it.
I hope you come back with a comment to tell us more about Rudolph Recon.
Thank you again!
PaperCraftCentral Susan
Comments for Rudolph Recon ATC