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My SBI Review Stems from Gratitude and a Bit of Outrage

Written and Created by PaperCraftCentral Susan

My SBI Review (SBI stands for Solo Build It, the best business building training I have ever found) does stem from gratitude. Since 2008, the team at SBI! have made it possible for me to have a real presence on the Web with PaperCraftCentral, something that would never have happened if I had not found them.

I am so thankful for that. I wanted to write an SBI Review ages ago and have finally done it.

Like lots of people, I started life in the virtual world with a Blog. I liked blogging and enjoyed posting my papercraft projects up for people to see. There were some who came by and commented on my posts, and I thought I was happy with that.

Then a friend of mine introduced me to the back room of SBI! and I suddenly saw how much bigger things could grow. I started to see how my website could potentially become a business. And that I could have all the help I needed to create that business.

SBI! really delivers what it says it will, as long as a person is willing to work and learn, a characteristic SBI! calls BAM! (Brains and Motivation!)

There have been lots of fake reviews written about Solo Build It. That made me kind of mad. I wanted to write this so people would know how real SBI members feel about the help we receive.

I'll tell you about the outrage in a little while, below.

Some SBI Review Specifics

It's hard to list all the advantages I have enjoyed as a member of SBI! but I am going to list some of the things that shine brightly in my mind.

  • The forums. SBI! has an amazing community of fellow business builders. I love the forums that members can choose to access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There is always easily searchable, useful, invaluable information about what is of interest to me at that time, but really it is the people who participate there that really shine. I've made so many true connections with people who have similar goals to mine, and the connection and helpfulness of that global community is something you rarely find elsewhere on the web.

  • The tools. SBI! provides me with powerful and effective tools to search for keywords, helping me sift through them to find the ones with the best potential, value demand and real supply. Brainstorm It! (BI) is the name of the tool and it allows me to generate and research hundreds of keywords... all possible topics for my site, in minutes! Every time I use this part of BI!, I end up in the other part, my Master Keyword List ("MKL"). I love Brainstormit! and that is just one of the amazing tools SBI! provides.

  • The coaches. If I get stumped trying to keep up with a new Google algorithm change or some new requirement like having to change the pages on my site to secure https ones, I can pay a little extra to access wonderful coaches who really know what they are doing.

Want More Proof about SBI! and how it can make your business success more likely?

I found a place where you can see some real statistics, some more real stories about how Solo Build It can mean success.These people have written REAL SBI Reviews.

What About the Outrage?

My outrage stems from some unfair practices from another company who want to win traffic and subscriptions by false means.

Don't trust people who review SBI with no real experience about how it works. These reviews are written by people who are paid to sell another product, Wealthy Affiliate.

Did I get paid to write this review? Absolutely not. I may earn a commission if you click on my link to the SBI Home Page (see below), but I wrote this because I totally believe in SBI!

Any income I may receive is just a bonus.

My real driver for writing this is that in another life, I taught about Social Justice. What has been happening with the fake reviews of SBI! is unfair, unjust and just plain wrong, and I wanted to be part of helping to correct that.

What Made Me Write an SBI! Review Right Now?

Have you heard of the new General Data Protection Information (GDPR) requirements? Let me tell you there is a LOT of misinformation out there in the wilds of the web about how to convert your site so it is GDPR compliant. Without SBI! I would never even have picked up on the need to make my site comply! Even if I did pick up on it, I would not have known which guru to follow to make my site compliant, but the SBI! team knew just what to do.

I received step-by-step instructions, pro formas, even web links to include in my updated Privacy Policy, with the choice of customising them to fit my site concept and readers. I could ask questions about how to implement my changes at any time.

It has been a wonderful and undaunting experience to get my site to be compliant.

Writing an SBI Review was suddenly very natural and easy to do.

So Thank You, SBI!

I really do appreciate all you do for me. I hope this SBI Review gives people a little taste of how amazing you all are!

You really are good eggs with diamond shapes.

PS: If you want to know more about this amazing training and start building your own business on the web, go to the Solo Build It Home Page. (This is my affiliate link, by the way.)

Or of you want to see a bit more about being a Solopreneur, watch this video (also an Affiliate link):

PS: You can click on SBI's Landing Page to see even more about SBI

And hey, thanks for reading my SBI Review. I appreciate folk like you who want to be genuinely informed and do their due diligence before starting any business venture.

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  3. My SBI! Review

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