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Appreciation Cards Make a Difference

by Barbara Lash
(Massachusetts, USA )

A card I give to Pilots

A card I give to Pilots

I must add my two cents...

A number of years ago... a long time ago I heard Janet Morrow Wakeland talk about giving little candy bars with a card to the gate attendants, pilots and flight attendants she met.

Ever since then I always bring cards with Dunkin’ Doughnuts gift cards or little candies or something IN ( of course) one of my handmade Stampin' Up! cards.

I’m now also bringing a thank you card to restaurants and instead of leaving cash on the table after our meal, I put the tip in a hand made card. I carry a box of cards in my car and when I need to ‘thank’ someone, I’m ready.

It is the little things in life that make people smile.... you never know how a little card can impact a person...
thank you Janet Wakeland for sharing your kindness a long time ago... I love passing it on........

I sent you two examples of the cards I give to people. The card with the airplane (Sale-A-Bration stamp set from a few years ago) is the one I use for pilots. The thank you card I use for flight and gate attendants and wait staff and everyone else.

Have a great day!

Barbara Lash

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Mar 23, 2018
What a beautiful way to share our cards
by: PaperCraftCentral Susan

Dear Barbara

Thank you so very much for telling us about your experience in giving out your handmade thank you and appreciation cards to people who serve us. It warms my heart to hear how much your thanks and cards are making a difference.

I also love how you customised your greetings so they would be meaningful to the people you give them to. You cards are so lovely! ❤

I know you are a Stampin' Up! demonstrator with a mission to help people share their creativity in practical ways. How wonderful it would be if more people gave out their handmade cards like this.

I am sure you will be an inspiration to crafters everywhere who read your story.

In the meantime, I think Massachusetts USA is very blessed to have you there!

Thank you again for sharing and for caring.

PaperCraftCentral Susan

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