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Congratulations on the new addition to the family - I wish all the joy in the world to you and the proud parents.

As regards paper print - not something I've done, but would like to hear more from the experts.


Thank you for such lovely wishes, Daisyray2! I will pass them on to the proud parents for sure :)

There sure is a lot of interest in this question. We are getting a few ideas and I'm hoping for many more ;) So keep 'em coming, everyone who has printed their own scrapbook paper designs! And thanks for taking the time to do so.


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Regarding printing your own scrapbooking paper

by Carla
(Pensacola, Florida)

I do not know how to print it, but would definitely like to know how that is done...that would be a really great thing to know how to do...I'm always wanting a particular design for paper, and if I could make it myself instead of just settling for what I can find at a store, that would be GREAT!!

Please keep us posted when you do find out!!

Carla in Pensacola, Florida


Thanks for your feedback, Carla. I am hoping for some ideas to come in for us, too!

Someone I asked in real life said this: "If you go into your local print shop you can ask them... when I was doing digi stuff I was getting 12x12 printed out" (Thank you, Allysa!)

Another friend I asked in real life said she thought the Creative Memories Storybook program used to allow people to print out their own 12 x 12 papers.

I hope there are more replies soon and we can put together a range of options for everyone interested in designing and printing their own 12 x 12 scrapbook papers.


PS: If you live in Australia, Office Works will possibly print your pages for you

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Printing 12 x 12 Scrapbook Pages

by Karen

Sorry, I have never done this.


I haven't tried this either, Karen, but maybe others will have some ideas that will encourage us both to print our own scrapbook paper designs :) Here's hoping!

All the best


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by meenakshi

Hi Susan

Firstly, congratulations & best wishes on the birth of your grandchild :-)) may there always be good health & happiness & prosperity ....

Secondly, I truly wish I could help. But here's the confession - I've never made a single scrapbook in my entire life! In fact I only came to know about it after joining Yahoo!7 Hence, while I wish with all my heart that I could help you, I really have no technical expertise or experience. All I offer are ideas & I'm stumped here.

I do like the idea of printing one's own paper though. One can customize & create unique meaningful designs. This may be too amateurish, but:

  • how about creating patterns on the computer, or using photoshop & similar other software including, etc. to make one's designs & then getting them printed on paper?

  • also how about using handmade paper with varied effects such as marbling, embedded rose petals, glitter, etc.

  • make paper in only black & white or any such combo.

  • add filigree-work around the borders or corners. or since this will be too elaborate time & effort-wise, as well as bulk, one can take photographs of the prototype & then print out in large numbers.

  • ditto for quilling.

  • and of course same for dried flowers & herbs & twigs.

Any of this making sense? Sorry I can't be of more help here. However, I wish you all the best in your endeavor & success in all you do, always :-))



Hi Meenakshi and thank you so much for your good wishes about my new grandchild and thank you also for your ideas! I think they all sound like interesting things to try and appreciate you making the suggestions you did :)

Maybe others have tried similar ideas and could tell us about their results here?

You never know if your idea is going to spark creativity in others. That's a way all of us can help and encourage each other, so please do add your ideas everyone.

Many thanks!


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12x12 paper

by Wolfs LG

Example of a wide format printer

Example of a wide format printer

I use a wide format printer and a print program to create mine

Congratulations on the grand baby!


So you use a special printer and program to make 12 x 12 pages at home, Wolfs LG? I guess most ordinary printers cannot take 12 x 12 scrapbook paper.

I'd love to see some examples of your created papers sometime.

Thank you so much for the congratulations! The baby is very sweet and special!


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Wondering Same Thing

by Mindy Gail Mammen
(Mckinney, Texas, USA)

Using a Brayer and Acrylic Paint with a Gelli plate

Using a Brayer and Acrylic Paint with a Gelli plate


I'm Mindy From Texas in the good 'ol USA.

I am really wanting to create and sell at expos my own products, namely paper!

The only idea I have is using a Gelli printing plate to make handmade designs and I just bought my first Gelli arts printing plate and love it but I want designs not just patterns.

If anyone has clues on how to start making your own paper series please let me and everyone here know.

Thanks in advance,

Mindy Gail Mammen

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May 18, 2016
Making Your Own Designs with a Gelli Plate
by: Susan

Hi Mindy

Gelli plates are great for mono prints, that is making one print at a time! I know it is difficult to get the same print time after time with a Gelli plate as the paint gets used up by each impression. So you are really creating one off prints with your Gelli plate, not creating mass copies of the same thing over and over again.

Gelli plates are a lot of fun and can be used with stencils and found objects too. I have seen many Youtube clips about using them but have not added one of these tools to my crafting supplies yet. I might just have to one day soon.

Unfortunately, we have had no replies to our questions about how to go about mass producing your own scrapbook paper designs.

One way you can reproduce a design at a market is to create a digital series with a computer program. You can then purchase a 12" x 12" colour printer and print your designs directly onto cardstock when people order a page.

If you wanted to sell your own scrapbook paper designs online, you could create a website where you sold your digital images.

I hope these ideas help, Mindy!

Happy crafting


PS: If you ever want to create a website like PaperCraftCentral, remember you can do so with SBI.

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