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Decorating with Butterflies

by Maria
(California, USA)

Butterflies at Neiman Marcus

Butterflies at Neiman Marcus

Hey Susan, here are the photos of the butterflies at Neiman Marcus. I was in that area of town today, so I drove by an took a few photos. Do you think you will be able to use them? I hope so.

I also hope that you can appreciate why I like to ride up and down the escalators. I think that one of these day they are going to say "Lady, either buy something or get lost!" But they haven´t yet



Maria, thank you so much for sending me photos of the Nieman Marcus paper butterflies! I have your other three photos and am going to make a separate page of them because this is such a lovely way to use the butterflies. I'm sure others will love them too and I hope we get some more comments and pictures about ways paper butterflies could be used.

If you see any more ideas like this or if you make something yourself, I hope you will let us see!

Oh and I trust they will NEVER ask you to stop riding the escalators, admiring the butterflies, at the store! Lol!

Happy paper crafting :)


PS Make your own paper butterflies by following these instructions.

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