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Large Wall Hanging Iris Folding Pattern

by Susanne
(Boston, MA)


I am looking for a large (to be framed in a 12 x 12 shadow box frame) Iris Folding Pattern. I am not a quilter, so I don't know where to look for something like this...I do Iris Folding on my greeting cards but want to create something unique for a wall in my house...Any suggestions where to find something like this?

Thank you,


Hi Susanne

What a great idea, to make a large wall hanging from an Iris Folding pattern. It sounds like it would be a spectacular way of decorating and your item would be unique because of your choice of papers.

I have never made a large iris fold picture myself, but do you know what? You could take a smaller iris folding pattern (such as one of your card patterns) that you like and expand it to the size you want it to be and use that as a guide. It would be easiest to do this on a photocopier I think - just find a pattern you like and enlarge it or have it enlarged at a printer's shop.

If the expanded pattern made the folds too large you could add more strips of paper spaced closer together. Keep turning your work over as you make it to check and see that you like the effect. Just move the layers closer together or further apart as you like, and fill the shaped space with folded strips till you are happy with the end result.

Have any other readers made a wall hanging with an Iris Fold pattern? Do you have any suggestions for Susanne?

When you make your wall hanging I would love to see it, Susanne. I hope you'll take a photo and show it to me ☺

Have fun!


PS Go to 3-d Papercraft for ore off-the-page project ideas
Go to Iris Folding for instructions on how to make an iris fold card

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Nov 23, 2009
Thank you Joan
by: Susan

Thank you for that tip, Joan :)


Nov 22, 2009
look at Circle of Crafters
by: Joan from Denmark

On Circle of Crafters homepage, under iris folding, there are som photos of wall hangings made out of Iris folding patterns.
They are made of different patterns placed on the same background.

Have fun

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