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Written and Created by PaperCraftCentral Susan
Mothers Day 2012 may have been a little brighter for 61 Australian Troops and their loved ones.
Generous ladies made some beautiful cards to send to some Troops overseas so they could in turn send a handmade greeting to their grandmother, mother, wife or girlfriend this year.
I had to take some pictures of the Cards we made for the Troops before I sent them off.
This time they were going to East Timor:
Aren't they wonderful?
They just fit into one of the boxes I was allowed to send them in. I told the worker at the Post Office that there were 61 hand made cards in the box I handed her, and she was suitably impressed I think.
I could have fitted more cards into the box as it could weigh up to two kilos, but the 61 I had were going to make a difference.
I had to value the cards on the customs declaration form for the box and I didn't want the Troops to have to pay any duty, so I put them down as being worth $1 each.
We all know that wasn't a real value for them.
The cards were so beautiful and so much work had gone into every one of them, in reality they were worth much, much more.
How do you measure a mother's joy at receiving such a greeting from her offspring? How special would a mother feel getting a handmade card from her deployed partner?
I think a lot of mothers were very proud to receive these cards. Sixty one of them, in fact.
Before I packed them, I lined all the lovely greetings up on my clean white kitchen counter top to take their portraits before boxing them up.
I don't think I had ever seen so many Mother's Day cards all together at once like that before.
It was pretty much a sea of pink and purple in the kitchen for awhile there!
For a moment I thought I knew what it might feel like to own a card store. Lol!
They looked gorgeous and I was so happy to be able to box them up to send off to our serving Troops.
I certainly hoped our efforts made Mothers Day 2012 a little sweeter and brighter for all who received these lovingly made cards.
A heartfelt thanks to all who made a greeting to send. Your efforts are so very much appreciated.You are so selfless and generous to share your talents in the name of our good cause.
PS: If you would like to participate in the next Cards for Troops drive, we usually make Mother's Day cards at the beginning of the year till the end of March, and Christmas cards from July to the end of October.
Please feel free to join in once, twice, or always. Any number of cards are welcome. They all make a difference to someone's life.
If you want to see how else you can fundraise for a cause, you might like to find out how to run a craft auction, or see an example of how funds were raised for the Alzheimers Foundation.
And if you want to know more about how to join the craft activism movement, here is a book you might enjoy purchasing:
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