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Paper Roses

by Vidhi
(Faridabad, Haryana, India)

Punched roses

Punched roses

Namastay Mam

My name is Vidhi. I have sent some images of cards. Please give me a response after you see the cards.

I would like to ask some questions. Do you just give help for card makers? Actually I am a teacher and card making is my hobby. One more thing: I would like to ask how to make a rose flower with paper.


Hello again Vidhi

I received your card images and have already published them on PaperCraftCentral. You make some lovely quilled creations. I can see why card making is your hobby.

I make cards too. I also make scrapbook pages, some 3d papercraft items and occasionally I make ATCs. On PaperCraftCentral, I like to share my knowledge of papercrafting for those who want to learn more.

When papercrafters want to share their creations, as you do, I welcome their project ideas. They inspire me as well. If you check through most of the pages on PaperCraftCentral there are often projects that readers have sent to me. They welcome comments on those projects too.

About paper roses: I searched through my paper flower pictures and found three examples of flowers you may like to make.

The punched roses were made by punching out three or four scalloped circle shapes. I put a brad through the centre and then scrunched up the different layers. I sprayed the rose lightly with water and left it to dry. When you use cardstock like this, it helps a rose to keep its shape.

For the spiral rose, I cut a long strip of paper and quilled it. I let it loosen before I glued the end paper down. I put a crystal in the middle of the flower.

Then for the yellow rose, I punched one scalloped circle. Then I cut it into a spiral shape and quilled it.

Here are some instructions for making origami rosebuds.

You may also like this open, wild rose idea and you can learn how to shape them as well.

I have made paper roses as brooches as well but have never taken photos of those. One day I will do that.

I hope all this information helps you, Vidhi.

Happy paper rose making :)


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