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She is a Bus Driver and I am her Secret Sister

Candy Bar Card

Candy Bar Card

I had a lot of fun making this card for a first gift for my Secret Sister. She is a bus driver.

I believe it was a big hit!


What a great card you made! I can see why it was such a hit 😀 You put a lot of thought into it and I am sure it raised quite a few chuckles - he he!

How clever to think about your Secret Sister's* occupation when making the candy bar card. I hope you eventually found out what she thought of your kindness and ingenuity.

Thank you so much for sharing your candy bar card idea with us.


PS: Here's another candy bar card, this time made for a 16th birthday celebration.

*A Secret Sister is someone you anonymously give little gifts to.

The aim is to cheer them up and make them feel loved and appreciated ❤

You could try getting together with a group of girlfriends and drawing each other's names out of a hat. Whoever you draw would become your Secret Sister for an agreed time.

Never reveal who you are to your Secret Sister till the time is up. The secret is part of the fun.

PS: See more card ideas at Cardmaking Tips and Special Occasion Cards

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