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Tissue safe candle

by Carolly Hauksdottir
(West of the Moon)

Embossed candle

Embossed candle


I was looking for pictures of decorated candles, and came across your site. Normally, I draw my design on thin paper, tape that to the candle, redraw with pressure to transfer the design, and then remove the paper. The candle now has an incised design which can be rubbed with sepia-toned oil paint to yield a lovely antique effect. This is suitable for Scandinavian gripping beasts, Celtic knots, or Renaissance scrolliosis. Oil paints can be used like watercolor (thin washes)for delicate painting. I prefer oil-based pigments when working on a waxy surface.

You'd asked for information about tissue-paper-safe candles. At Michael's craft store, a couple of days ago, I found LED flickering candles - NO FLAME - coated in wax. They came in 3 sizes, 2 pale shades, vanilla and unscented (I'm allergic to perfume). The company is Inglow. You can search for the company on the web.

I'd suggest adding the batteries first, to see where the glow is brightest, and designing from there.




Carolly, that is great information. Thank you for taking the time to send it to me. I had not thought of using oil based pigments to colour an incised pattern on a candle but can imagine it works very well.

As you seem to be in the USA (Lol about the West of the Moon location!) the information about Michael's will help US readers. If readers from other countries could share their knowledge about locally obtainable tissue paper safe for using on candles, that would be great :)

Thanks also for the link. In Australia I know these battery operated candles are available in local gift stores and that is another idea I had not thought of. Stamping/decorating battery operated candles would be safe!

I hope one day you will add a photo of one of your decorated candles to PaperCraftCentral, Carolly. Come back anytime :) and Happy New Year!

Happy crafting

PS: I can show you how to decorate by rubber stamping on candles but do make sure you do not burn them if you stamp on tissue paper as tissue paper will ignite and may cause a fire. Use candle decal paper instead. You can search for it on the web too.

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Jan 02, 2010
tissue safe candle
by: Anonymous

those flicker candles are a good idea but a little dull and so this idea of arting them up is great, thanks for the tip.

Happy New Year xxx

chriss x

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