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Acetate Cards

by Ronell
(South Africa)

For Someone Special

For Someone Special

Good afternoon Susan

Just a short note. About 8 years ago I made 1000+ acetate cards. They started off as Fat Ladies cards and eventually - just ladies. Here are only 4 of the many different once I made. The English ones were all given away after the markets.

That's why I can't post any of these cards to you. They are all in Afrikaans and there are no blank card left. Fun to make and I have +-200 left. So teachers etc. still receive them from me.

Have a lovely day


Good afternoon, Ronell

I am so impressed, first that you made 1000+ cards, and then that you seem to have made each one differently! Did you put the image on acrylic and colour it, then attach it to your card base? I have not tried too many cards like that. Did you use Copics to colour the images? Did you draw the images yourself or are they stamped?

I always have so many questions about your cards :)

The only acetate card I have on PaperCraftCentral is at the bottom of this page. I made it to celebrate my daughter's engagement a few years ago. I used hand made rubons on that.

Your women remind me a little of my punch art Hearty Ladies too.

I gather that you made your cards to sell at a market stall? That is something I have often thought of doing but I seem to give all of my cards away so they do not seem to add up to many over time.

How convenient to have 200+ cards in your stash, all ready and waiting to be given away. I love that idea too.

Thank you for sending me your cards, Ronell. I do love to see what you are making :)

You have a lovely day too.


PS: I took the liberty of using Google Translator to find out what your greetings said so I could put them in the image titles.

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