Blogging Tips and Tricks

Written and Created by PaperCraftCentral Susan

Want some Blogging Tips and Tricks?

If you like blogging tips and tricks to begin your own craft blog, this page is for you.

I think this quote can describe the way a blog can affect your life perfectly:

"Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day;
teach that person to use the Internet and they won't bother you for weeks".
~Author Unknown

The word Blog is a short form of the words "Web Log."

It is a way of recording your thoughts, feelings, audio/visual recordings (such as Youtube clips and Podcasts) and pictures about an aspect (or aspects!) of your life, on the Internet.

Of course, it does not need to take over your life, but it does require fairly regular feeding. But what do you record there, exactly?

Blogging is an easy way of journaling and sharing that journal with others who also surf the Internet.

It can be a way to make connections and friendships too, around a common interest or concern.

This form of journalism is used outside of the papercraft world as well but we papercrafters adopted it with enthusiasm especially in the early days of the cyber world. What a great way it is to showcase a particular papercraft project!

Now Social Media like Facebook, Instagram, X, Tik Tok, Threads and Pintrest seem to have prominent places too, but the original way to connect is still alive.

People like to go to blogs to read a little more about a subject, so linking to such a post from a social media site is a common practice.

Social media is a world of short statements, and it is a lot more public there too. Going to a site about a specific subject is more likely to draw only people who are interested in that subject alone, not the whole world. 

You might have a tutorial about your papercraft project there, for example, and a list of supplies that you used. You might say how you felt about making your project or why you did it.

Blogs are a place where people seem to be able to express themselves in a little more detail.

To make a post, it helps to have at least a paragraph to post.

Full scale websites like PaperCraftCentral are better for posting up a whole page or more of data.

My own blog is called SusanSalutations Blogspot and I don't seem to post as much there these days as I did in the past, but it is still a useful place for people to go and fins

Here's the header for my Blogspot Blog. You can customise them your own way with photos, Blogger supplied templates, or graphics like mine that are produced for you by a graphic designer.

SusanSalutations Blogspot

Many paper crafters start such a journal in order to display their work, chat about paper crafts in general and get to know each other.

Sometimes the best way to understand something is to see an actual example.

I started an online journal a few years ago when I first found out how to make one and have continued it through the years. I called it Susan's Saga but I have since changed its name to SusanSalutations.

It is a place I write about papercrafts and also about aspects of my life in Australia. I do add to it but not as often as I add to I use it for shorter messages and quick glimpses of work I have done instead of as an explanatory site.

I just have to say, creating a journal like Susan's Saga is only one way to have a website. Since I started PaperCraftCentral, I have seen that a website has many more options and possibilities than a journal does. Different horses for different courses, I guess

Starting a Blog

One of the best blogging tips and tricks I can give you, apart form telling you why blogs can be useful and what things you might like to post, is to send you to the Blogspot setup page.

When I try to link you to it takes me to my own blog pages, so do type into your own search engine. There you can set up your own account and follow the tutorials they provide for creating your own blog.

Another couple of places you might like to try out are listed below from my Google search:

"Here are the best free blogging sites you can use to start your own blog today:

  1. Wix ( ...
  2. WordPress ( ...
  3. LinkedIn ( ...
  4. Weebly ( ...
  5. Medium ( ...
  6. Ghost ( ...
  7. Blogger ( ...
  8. Tumblr ("

P.S. If you are interested in having your own web business, do check out this Solo Build It information about how to build one, step-by-step, even if you have no prior knowledge of how to get started. I had no idea how to build a web business before I found SBI. You do not need to know how to write in html code or anything like that either. You can build a site with no special knowledge about site building. Did you know you can even create your business using a Wordpress platform? Yes, you can!

SusanSalutations Blog Post

  1. Home
  2. Ask PaperCraftCentral Susan
  3. What is a Blog?

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