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Eliminating a crease on folded cardstock

by Monica
(Cincinnati. Ohio, USA)

Cut two pieces the same, one with a face.

Cut two pieces the same, one with a face.

I have a card stock pop up: full stand up figure, in a homemade book. The figure is folded right down the middle and is glued across the two open pages to stand upright when the book opens.

Although I need the card stock to fold, or at least gently curve closed so as to close the book, I wish the face of the figure would not crease so rigidly.

Is there something I can put on the back of the card stock that would allow the face to fold in half without the crease? A line of rubber cement?

On the front of the card stock I glued a face (printed on a regular sheet of paper). That also has been creasing rigidly, although I hope it will not if I deal with the card stock crease.

Any suggestions would be so appreciated!

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Mar 13, 2018
How to Eliminate A Creased Face
by: Susan

Hello Monica

Thank you for your question. Your project sounds most interesting. I would have liked to see photos of what you are dealing with, but I took some photos of my own to show you a possible solution instead.

I think the problem is, the folds will only grow sharper with time. A book does tend to make folds sharper over time simply because the figure will be squashed inside time and time again.

I think adding rubber cement to the back of the fold will only create a lumpy effect?

Another way to avoid folding the face altogether is to cut two head pieces the same. One piece will have the face printed on it. The blank piece will be folded.

Then adhere half of the face to half of the folded piece, as shown in the photos.

Do you think this will work?

PaperCraftCentral Susan

PS: Do show me your book when you are finished :)

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