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How do you make a scrapbook without too many pictures

An example of a journaled scrapbook page made by Susan

An example of a journaled scrapbook page made by Susan

I would love to make a scrapbook for my boyfriend for our first Christmas together. The only problem is, neither of us take many photos so I have a limited number of them. Not only that, I don't really like the ones I have of myself so don't really want to put them in my scrapbook.

Do you have any ideas for making a scrapbook without including a lot of pictures? I'm going to make sure I take plenty of pictures in the next few weeks but for the moment I don't have many.



You can do lots to make a scrapbook without using many photos. Hmm. It is October now, so I think the answer is..... quotes, journaling and memorabilia!

Here are ten ideas I thought of:

1. Write out the words of your favourite song.

2. Journal about how you first met, where you were, who introduced you, what you thought of him...

3. Journal about the first place you went together. Take a picture of that place or add in some memorabilia from it (eg: if it was a restaurant that you first went to, see if you can get a copy of the menu for your album. If it was the movies, did you save the ticket stubs? Use them in your album. If you have no memorabilia, see if you can print off something from the Internet that reminds you of where you went.)

4. Journal about what you love about him.

5. Make a fun page about all the silly things you have done together, or all the things you have in common. Make another page that points out the differences between you.

6. Record some things you both like - songs, movie tracks etc - and include a CD, DVD or flash drive in a pocket in the album.

7. Cut a lock of your hair and also a lock of his and make a page.

8. Did you press flowers from any bouquets he gave you? Add them to your scrapbook and tell about how you received them.

9. Make a page about the future and how you want it to unfold.

9. Make a page about the best day you have had together so far.

10. Find some quotes you like that say something about your feelings for him and write about how the quote is significant for you.

I hope some of these ideas inspire you and that your album turns out to be something you love. You should have enough time to create your album before Christmas if you plan it out now and work on a page or two a day.

Have fun with your album and maybe you will share some of it with us when you get it done :)


PS: If anyone else has some ideas to add to the list, I am sure they would be appreciated!

You can also see more on these pages:

Scroll down for Journaling definition
A Scrapbook Journal
Six Secrets to Simple Scrapbook Layouts

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Dec 30, 2010
An Almost Pictureless Scrapbook
by: PaperCraftCentral Susan

Here are some more ideas for how to make a scrapbook without using too many pictures:

An Almost Pictureless Scrapbook

I wrote the article after thinking about your question some more. Hope it helps!

PaperCraftCentral Susan

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