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Sympathy Card Accordion Album

by Rebecca

Accordion album, closed

Accordion album, closed

Hello Susan
I really enjoyed your site. I do have a question or project idea for you.
My father passed away in April and we have hundreds of sympathy cards. All have beautiful pictures on them and some have wonderful words both printed and written by the people that knew him.
Do you have some type of project idea that my family members and I could make out of these cards? I was hoping for some sort of frame or a wreath that my mother could keep as a momento. Or maybe something each of us could make for ourselves to hang onto.
I've searched the internet and I've only come up with the butterflies you have here. Any other ideas?
thx for your time


Hello Rebecca

Thank you very much for your kind words about my site. I am very sorry for your loss though.

When I read your inquiry about the lovely cards you have, I immediately thought about the accordion envelope album design I have on the site. You can make one album for each family member, choosing the number of pockets you want to hold the cards. Store the cards in the pockets and allow the album to be a beautiful feature on a bookshelf or table.

Another idea would be to open up then laminate the special cards. Punch even holes along the sides and lace together into a box shape with ribbon or twine or leather thongs. Store more cards in the box you make. Here's how to make a box. You can make the sides as deep as you would like. Instead of adhesive you would be binding the sides together through the holes.

You can also use the laminated cards to make lamp shades.

Another idea would be to use the cards to make place mats, or to slip inside the clear covers of binders or notebooks as decorative elements.

I agree, sometimes cards make beautiful framed pieces, and I was thinking of buying a series of frames to display single cards in, then making a pattern on the wall with them.

You could make a wreathe of paper flowers from the greeting cards. Mount them on a Styrofoam ring that you have first covered with fabric, ribbon or lace. You could use a hot glue gun to adhere the flowers. Make some leaf shapes too and perhaps vary the type of flower you make.

Does anyone else have some nice ideas for Rebecca?

I hope I have given you some ideas to think about anyway, Rebecca. Do come back and tell me what you decide to do. I would love a photo of your project.

Take care

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