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Tigger Birthday Card

by Ronell
(Parow, South Africa)

Tigger sliding Eeyor on the ice

Tigger sliding Eeyor on the ice

A friend wanted Tiger birthday card for a one year old boy. I do not have many Disney 'characters' so I decided to make a shaker card. I punched out the snow flakes.



Oh, Ronell, that is just so cute! The idea of using real punched snowflakes inside the shaker is a good one.

Your friend will no doubt love this card and so will the one year old. Tigger and Eeyore are always a big hit ☺ Just look at Eeyore being slid along the ice. He looks so worried! Lol!

It has been awhile since I made any shaker cards. I will have to think about digging out my Treat Cups and seeing what I can do with them one day soon.

Thank you for sharing such a cute card with us.

Happy crafting


PS: Here are some more card ideas for readers to try:

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