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Rakhis Birthday Card

by Labu
(Kolkata, India)

Happy birthday my best friend,
Amazing times, we always spend.
Laughter and jokes are common place,
Since we built that solid base.

Special friend that I hold dear,
Always wish to have you near.
We get along, like bread with honey,
A friendship worth, much more than money.

If you stumble, count me there,
Gratitude; no need to declare.
Your thoughts are clear, in my mind,
Understanding we always find.

Happy birthday my best friend,
I’m excited to attend.
This birthday poem, is just for you,
A great big smile is overdue.



Hi Labu

You made a very nice poem about your friendship. Did you make the card as well? Is it one of your own photographs? I love the banner over their heads and the moment captured between the children.

It's always good to have a special sentiment to put inside a card. I tend to rely on stamped sentiments though sometimes I break away and just write what is in my heart. I am not a poet though!

I hope your friend had a lovely birthday.


PS: You may enjoy making more children's birthday cards like this:

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