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Ribbon Weave Wreath

by Marti
(Indiana, USA)

Fall ribbon wreath

Fall ribbon wreath

I saw this ribbon wreath and HAD to learn how to make it.

I watched the video over and over. Then I practiced and practiced.

I made Christmas designs then tried a Fall design.

I made a door on the front of this card using Die Cuts with a View Harvest Gathering paper.

The finished result, well, I can't send it. I love it too much.

I will use this one as a Fall decorative piece this year.



Oh Marti it is very beautiful! I can see why you wanted to keep it. I can also imagine it being useful at Christmas, Easter, and as an embellishment for scrapbook pages. Imagine using it on top of a handmade box with pretty flowers as decorations in it.

Aren't you glad you kept practicing till you got the result you wanted? Thank you for sharing it with us. Your wreath is going to make a lovely Fall decorative piece for you :)

Do you think you will make more cards like this, now you know how?

Happy crafting!


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