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Hello and Thanks

by Michelle

An altered art Ferrero Roche chocolate box

An altered art Ferrero Roche chocolate box

Hello Susan,

I wanted to say "hi" and well done with the website! Lots of information here and I've added you to my RSS feeds to keep track of what you are up to.

I'm trying to do a similar thing with my website ( and I'm also in Australia (Melbourne). Would like to chat and see if we can help each other out.



Hi Michelle

How nice to 'meet' you and what a nice site you are developing :) Thank you for your kind words about PaperCraftCentral. I am all for helping each other out and thought I would give you something that has been of help to me. I built this site through SBI and have been very happy with their help and support.

I thought I would also give you something you you might enjoy. It is something that helped me a lot. It's a Free Netwriting Masters Course

All the very best and please do feel free to add some of your mixed media work to PaperCraftCentral. I would especially like to see some of your work in the Altered Art section.

Till next time
Happy Paper Crafting!

PS: You may also enjoy the following pages:

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Why I love Paper Craft Central

by Tara Hartnett
(Morayfield Australia )

Loving :)

Loving :)


I love the great ideas I would never have thought of without Paper Craft Central. I love how Susan keeps me up to date with all the new information and always has new things to explore and I love Stampin' Up!

Thank you for such a great site.



Thank you for your lovely compliments, Tara :) I enjoy creating things for you all here at PaperCraftCentral. When you love what you do, it's such a joy to create!

Thank you so much for being a supporter of PaperCraftCentral. People like you make it all worthwhile.


PS: You can always find out what is new here by keeping an eye on the What's New? blog. New projects and ideas pop up there on the site first.

Remember to subscribe to my free newsletter Paper Twists to access some other projects and ideas reserved exclusively for subscribers.

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Thank you

by Susan M

Fan fold flower

Fan fold flower

Thank you. I stumbled across your site when I was searching on what to do with acetate die cut embellishment as a card maker. It was through a web referral from Yahoo answers and I was enchanted with your acetate roses. Never thought of heating acetate. Shrink film yes, but not acetate unless they are the same.

Also, I was pleased with how to use the Radiant Rain paint daubers, taking the lid off and using different ways.

I noticed when I was making lentil soup, how nice and flat these lentils were and maybe I could craft with them, such as brad heads. Have you used lentils in your projects before?

Susan M, new subscriber to Paper Twists.

My latest love has been making the fan fold flowers by hand using a score board, but I'm shocked to see what the manufacturers sell them for in a strip die -I wonder how nice it would be to use a roller to crease out the intervals or a comb like instrument to pull down through the grooves on a scoreboard. Similar in thought to the multiple scissor blade that came out awhile back and didn't go over very well.

Also, it would be nice if the next scoreboards would be lighted.

Just wanted to write a thank you.
Susan M.
New subscriber

Encountered web issues when tried to load a picture. So some other time.


Hi Susan :)

Thank you so much for taking the time to write and tell me what you enjoyed about I am so glad you found me through Yahoo Answers.

You know, lentils would make cute craft embellishments :) I had not used them before but may be raiding my pantry sometime soon to find some for a project!

I liked your ideas about the score boards too. I'm hoping Stampin' Up1 will bring out their own score board in Australia someday soon. It is such a handy tool for papercrafting.

I would love to see pictures of your papercrafts one day. Just a hint - it may be the jpegs are too large for the program to handle, unless they are about 640 pixels square or smaller in size?

Happy crafting


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Thanks for replying to my rant on Yahoo Answers

by Brien
(Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)

Hi Susan, I really like your site... it has content and content is Key!

I have a passion for website authoring and as for my art and craft expertise; well, it is limited to mostly computer related artistic pursuits. So, creating my own art and craft website has proven to be a bit of a strange beast. There are plenty of craft sites out there, in fact I had no idea there were SO many? This was one of the reasons I decided to try a different approach to make an ?all-in-one? craft site. I'm sure it will eventually attract the right kind of clientele, so I'm not going to bend my envisioned idea for the site too much from how it is currently configured.

Website content (and lack of members) is the major issue for my site now and it'll continue to be an issue, unless I can attract people (such as you) with an interest in sharing their knowledge and love for arts and crafts. What I intend to do to help remedy this content problem, is to incorporate a reward system where people can author *original craft articles for the main site (not the forum) and submit their own google adsense account code to be placed *inside* their articles. (Not entirely unalike how works)

One of the only main remaining to-do items for the site is to nail down the item purchase related issues (on my to-do list for this coming week).

Feel free to join the site and add your website to your profile, list some items and check out the site features I described in my rant? I'd love to hear your honest opinions of it.

Best regards,



Hi Brien

Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and leave me such nice feedback about PaperCraftCentral. I really appreciate that.

You are most welcome for the information I gave you and for my opinion of your site. Your site looks very nice. I love the graphics and the concept behind the site. What a great idea to build a community of crafters for their mutual benefit.

As you say, though, attracting the right clientele will be the challenge for you. I can see that your site has not been spidered by the major search engines yet (one of the reasons is that it is new, and these things do take time). My concern is that it could take you a LOT of time - much more than it needs to take - to get the traffic you want.

I have had a great time building this site as a free craft resource for people. The web hosting service I use is SBI and it has been most successful in helping me to build targeted traffic (ie: finding people with the same love of papercrafts that I have) as it is far more than a web hosting service. I think you'll like this: SBI is a wonderful community of all kinds of people with all kinds of interests, and it is managed by some excellent fellow webmasters who are so willing to share their expertise. I could not have built PaperCraftCentral without them, even though I have written and developed every page here myself :)

With your passion and knowledge of html you could really fly...

Oh I must tell you I have had no need to purchase lists to attract site visitors and every month the number of visitors I have grows.

If you would like to explore SBI a little further, why not see if it would help you to attract the traffic and build the site you want?

Whatever happens, you now have some publicity via my site. I hope you have success in the future and are able to build the site of your dreams. Of course I have bookmarked your site and will be checking back there to see how you are doing :)

All the very best

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Thanks for Sharing

by Amy Luciano
(Las Piñas City, Philippines)

With my husband Ike & son, Ian

With my husband Ike & son, Ian

Hi Susan!

I am Amy Luciano from the Philippines. Just recently I got so interested in "paper". I loved cross-stitching and embroidery before but now I am so in love with paper. Maybe because it also inspires me to help my son in his school projects. I have only one child. A thirteen year old son who supports my love for crafts but has very little art in him.

My husband is an Aircraft Engineer who works in Sharjah (United Arab Emirates). He's out of the country most of the time and when my son is in school, it gets quite lonely being alone. I visit websites to check on new projects and tips.

Here in the Philippines, most schools require reports and projects to be decorated. There are different kinds of paper and tools available but the ones I see in the internet seems to be better and more functional.

A few years back I was in Dubai, I brought my cross-stitch projects with me. Last year, we visited my husband stationed at Nagoya, Japan and there I was fascinated with origami.

I discovered your website a few weeks ago and I thought it was really exciting. And you know, your website is "fun". You seem to present your ideas very clearly and easy to make. As I go along, its hard to stop.

Thank you for your sharing heart. It makes new crafters inspired. You make life easier for us and so much happier.

God bless you and hope you get back in shape as the New Year starts...

Best regards to you and your family,
Amy Luciano


Dear Amy,

Thank you so much for taking the time to write to me and tell me how much you enjoy PaperCraftCentral. You touched my heart! It's lovely to hear that the projects inspire and excite you :)

I enjoyed your photos too and would love to see any scrapbook pages you might make with them.

It sounds like your son's school books will look lovely too if you are decorating them with some of the ideas here. That's wonderful!

I do have plans for more projects so will add some more soon.

Happy New Year! Happy Paper Crafting!


PS: You may also enjoy the following projects:

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Jan 08, 2010
Welcome Amy.
by: Anonymous

Hello Amy and welcome.

Feel free to check out our Artist Trading Card blog if you like to play with papers and have time to spend crafting.

You can get to meet other crafty people, if you have a blog set up pop over and leave a link I will come visit you.

Warm Wishes.


Amy, I am pretty sure this message is from my crafting friend Chriss. She forgot to put her blog address in! Lol! Here it is:

I hope you would like to join in making ATCs with us :)

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