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Stampin Up Bird Punch

by Marti Bibeau
(Marion, IN United States)

Bird is the Word

Bird is the Word

The Stampin up Bird Punch is the handiest punch I have ever owned. So many things can be made with it.



Marti you sure made a pretty card with that bird punch. It's gorgeous! I like how you used punched wings to make the tulip petals and the stem and leaves punch to make tulip stems and leaves. It really is a versatile punch alright.

It's a pity the Stampin' Up! bird punch is now retired. I don't think I will part with the one I have.

Thank you for taking the time to share with all of us :) I wish more people would share their ideas too!

Happy Punching!


PS: If readers now want to see how to make some other paper punching projects featured on, try these pages:

Papercraft Bears
Papercraft Ladies
Paper Flowers
Paper Punch Pumpkins

And of course, if you have other punch art ideas, please feel free to submit your own project pictures and tell us what supplies you used to make them.

There is so much that you can make with punches and it is very inspiring to see other people's ideas for how to use them. Thinking outside the original use for your punches can really extend the use of your tools and allows you a creative outlet as well. You really get your money's worth when you bring your imagination to the table and use your punches in clever new ways.

I love to see everyone's projects too. So please take this as my personal invitation to you to share!

I will continue to share projects I create by using my punches with you as well. In fact, I found a few Youtube clips about how to use the Bird Punch differently:

1. This one is great for showing you how to customise the punched shapes to make birds that might live in your garden, including how to make baby birds. Great inking and sponging techniques:
Making Birds using the Two Step Bird Punch

2. This one has a range of ideas for you to consider:
SU Bird Punch Ideas

3. This one is a little long but it shows how to make a spectacular flower using the bird wing shapes:
Bird's Wing Flower

Comments for Stampin Up Bird Punch

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Mar 25, 2021
bird punch
by: Anonymous
Saw the Bird Punch on ebay.

Feb 20, 2020
Bird Builder Punch
by: PaperCraftCentral SUsan


Unfortunately, the Stampin' Up! Bird Punch is now retired and cannot be bought as new.

All I can suggest is that you search for it online.

Sorry to tell you that!

PaperCraftCentral Susan

Feb 20, 2020
trying to find the stampin it up bird hole punch
by: Anonymous

I just started making cards, and my friend showed me her stampin it up bird hole punch. It has a bird, a wing, and leaves. I am trying to buy it.
Could you please let me know where I can find it?

Nov 24, 2015
How I made the edges
by: Anonymous

It is a Martha Stewart punch.

Nov 24, 2015
by: Anonymous

Beautiful card! How did you make the edges?

Mar 05, 2015
Tulip Card
by: Pat Antonelli

what a clever way to make the tulip petals. I love it when you can use punches for different things. Beautiful card.

Feb 20, 2011
cute card
by: Sandyb

Very cute idea, I would never have thought of doing that. I have this punch on order, and now even more so looking forward to playing with it, thanks for the idea Marti.

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