April 2011 Draw

Written and Created by PaperCraftCentral Susan

The April 2011 Draw for Paper Twists Subscribers is announced!

There were so many lovely comments made by entrants that first I really must pause to thank you all or taking the time to enter. I loved reading about the things you like best about PaperCraftCentral. Thank you so much for your thoughtful entries. They really made my day.

Now to show you what the winner of the draw will have the pick of. She will be entitled to have one of the following stamp sets as a prize. None of the prize sets is available for purchase any more:

April 2011 Draw Prizes

Choice Number One: The "BLISS" stamp set is a wood mounted stamp set that has five lovely stamps in it. It is one of my favourites, I must admit.

Wood mount Stamp Set "Bliss"

Choice Number Two: the "Punch Bunch" stamp set is a clear mount stamp set that has five cute stamps in it. I have used this one in some of the projects you have seen recently on PaperCraftCentral.com. One of them featured in the May 2012 Creative Challenge where I used the coordinating Owl Builder Punch to make my card..

Clear Mount Stamp Set "Punch Bunch"

Choice Number Three: the "So Happy For You" stamp set is a clear mount stamp set that has ten little stamps in it, half of which are great sentiments for cards. It is a very handy set!

Clear Mount Stamp Set "So Happy For You"

Choice Number Four: the "Sweet Summer" stamp set is a clear mount stamp set that has nine pretty flower, bird and insect stamps in it. Isn't it adorable?

Clear Mount Stamp Set "Sweet Summer"

Now to announce the winner for subscribers to Paper Twists who entered! I gave each of you a number as I received your entries and used a random number generator so I would be completely fair in my choice. There were 25 of you in all.

And the winner is:

12. Andrea Kostelic of Croatia!!

Congratulations, Andrea! I will write to you asking you to pick a prize and will send it on its way to you as soon as you have done so.

(PS I did write to Andrea and she did pick a stamp set. I hope she received it alright).

Thank you all again for participating in the April 2011 Draw for subscribers. You all mean a lot to me and it is nice to be able to give a little back to you to thank you for your support.

Till next time!

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